Monday, November 3, 2014

October assignment

Aiden's October assignment from our mentor teacher:

 Rough draft.
Good copy.

A Polar Bear Day

Just to mix it up one day, all the kids wrote their own short story to go with this pic....

A Polar Bear from a National Geographic magazine.
Aiden's story (and draft).

Gemma's story and brainstorming.

(Mom helped write out her story itself.)

Keiran's dictated story and notes.

Aiden's Creative Writing

Part of Aiden's grade three Sonlight curriculum is a creative writing program called Diamond Notes. Here is some of his progressive learning:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Science and Art.

We have started our God's Design For Life; The World of Animals curriculum. And, we have started using our drawing books.

 Keiran's cover page.
 Aiden's cover page.
 Gemma's cover page.

 Some animal artwork.
 Keiran's second lion (his first was unfortunately colored in too dark).
 Gemma's beautiful lion.
 Aiden's black and white lion.

 An example of how the art book teaches drawing in steps.
 Gemma's dolphins.

 Gemma's tiger. Gem is the most interested in drawing.

mid month

New computer. Catching up....
This will be a bit of a jumble, and not how I usually organize our weeks of work pics, but it has been a crazy disorganized month and it needs to wrap....
 It's never too early to learn to read. Haha!
 Keiran's reading book.
 Aiden's printing practice.
Keiran's cutting work to help strengthen his fine motor skills.

Gem's printing practice.

Gemma's Explode the Code work.

More of Gem's work in her Explode the Code.

Keiran practicing some letters on the whiteboard.

Aiden practicing brainstorming with "Diamond Notes." Here he is specifically learning to write concluding sentences.

One more of Aiden's ball diamond writing forms. 

Aiden creating some sentences with adverbs.

Aiden making his diamond notes into full sentences.

Another of Aiden's creative writing " Diamond Notes."

And one last for Aiden.

Keiran, recognizing shapes in math.

Keiran had to find the square or rectangle.

Aiden doing some rounding to the nearest ten.

Perfect math test for Aiden.

Gemma building some math.

Gemma making 231.


Gemma adding doubles, plus one, and counting shapes.

Keiran printing F.

Keiran can recognize these letter sounds and read this much accordingly.